Sunday, March 25, 2018

Maui And The Annoying Water beast

Maui And The Annoying Waterbeast

Very, very long ago in one of the villages in New Zealand, Maui the very strong warrior was ready to go fishing with his brothers.
It was a normal fishing day until they reached the dock and saw something big in the water.  Their waka was also gone and something strange had happened.
While Maui’s village starved, in the water was a gigantic sea eel that was starving. It  had come from the top part of the world to find food. It was starving so much that it ate all the fish except 1 !!!!!!
This eel was feeling invincible.
Everyone except Maui was feeling like they were food for the eel !!!!!!
Maui was furious that his village was
starving so he got a powerful battle axe.
He just looked at the sea and he
 saw the big water eel then he smiled.
So he hollowed out the battle axe
then but the last fish was in it and prayed
to God that the plan worked.
It was handy that he was a good
 The plan came together very very quickly and also was right because it was a sunny day where he lived.
He started digging sand and when
he took the sand back right in front of him was a fish. Maui immediately
cooked the fish back at the village.
Thinking that he would find more of
the precious food.
The next sunny day Maui filled his
bags with sand and then he asked his brothers to stay up on land with fishing lines.
 You know Maui is a trickstar so
he lay down on the ocean
floor and waited and waited for……
“Yes I’m getting eaten. This is amazing,” Maui said.
After he got in he threw his spear into the eel.
Maui killed the eel to her death Maui's
brothers pulled him and the eel up.
As Maui gets the spears to
Cut the eel open Maui tasted it after
calling it a eel it was actually a massive tuna. Maui cut the tuna open to get out. So Maui put it back on land for the village.
In the village there was a feast on
the eel  for a year and by that time there was fish to eat again.

We wrote a story from this picture.  In my writing I
tried to use as many adjectives as I could.

Thursday, March 8, 2018

Powhiri Process

Last week Me and my class went to Te Tahawai marae.  They welcomed us with a powhiri.